
21st Century skills- Collaboration project

Well, since this is a collaborative project, I think I would have to establish a Wiki for them to use.
We are currently studying earthquakes in Earth Science. I would pair the students up and assign each pair a focus about earthquakes- where past earthquakes have occurred, ring of fire, where potential quakes will happen, plate tectonics, how they are measured, causes, effects. Since our Earth Science teachers seem to work in pairs, the Wiki would be a collaborative effort with the other class. Primary and Secondary waves would definately fall under the problem solving category.
Cooperative learning addressing the P and S wave chart in their reference tables might help. Making up their own examples and having the other class do the problems would be fun. Practice practice, show someone else how to use the chart, answer questions. Explanation from a peer might help "the light go on". Because once you "get" the P and S wave chart, you instinctively want to share the knowledge and to feel the accomplishment! The students would be true" educational artists", as Kevin Honeycutt phrases it, not part of the "new illiterates".

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think this is a terrific idea, Kathy, and a wiki would be a great tool to facilitate the collaboration!