
School 2.0

I just loved the School 2.0 map of the future school the most. I can't imagine what school will be like in a hundred years! A picture is worth a thousand words, in my estimation. I liked all the different, smaller buildings, smaller classes, with all the people of the community involved- citizens, parents, administrators, teachers, students. I really think that having everyone engaged and providing support will enable change.

I don't see anything that I would like to see kept from this map.I would change the campus structure to fit what we have established. Since we have a renovated school building, we certainly would have to start with the building as it is now. I would imagine that students would be learning at their own pace, so the whole school would not be filled from morning until afternoon. The possibilities are endless, but the community has to buy into changing from school as we know it. Revolution means change. A revolution would have to occur- Yikes!


indak said...

I agree we would have to start with our current space available. I don't thing with todays budget crisis there would ever be a time to redo our current setup. The School 2.0 is a great concept but possible a hard sell to voters and taxpayers. I don't know.

jcain6 said...

I really like the 2.0 model. The future is coming whether we want it to or not, we need to change with the times. A revolution may ocur, but it may not be a bad thing. We may not like the idea of change, but our kids and today's generation have already started the change. I agree with you Kathy that getting everyone involved will help this to be successful. I like it!