
Reflections 3

I have changed in how I review with students. Being a TA, I can't change how the teachers are teaching. I have to jump through the hoops with the kids with the material that they are using and help with the assignments that are handed out. I I use the computer more, going to sites that have questions and answers on them. I like to sit with them and work on side by side computers. Oh, look what I found, what did you find?
I would like to see some of this new technology taken to heart and used by the teachers. I have mentioned a couple of places where I see that a blog or a wiki would be useful and "new" for the kids to use. But change is difficult, not always a welcome thing.
I would like to see Hilton explore School 2.0 as a community. I am wondering why we haven't already? Does anyone know if we are looking at School 2.0. Maybe School 2.0could be an offering of staff development- what do you think?


Unknown said...

That's a really interesting idea for staff development. I'm going to think about that and see if I can come up with a way to do that. Any suggestions?

ksnyder said...

How about exposing those who would like to work technology into their classroom with a mini version of this class? How about using a Superintendent's Conference Day where you cycle from room to room. (Remember we did that not too long ago.) It was difficult, though, for groups to keep the mini time schedule; some overlapped because of the preceeding demonstration being too long. But it would be a day where teachers could be exposed to what is out there, hopefully to be inspired and take ideas from the Basic class back to use.

Molly J said...

I love being able to use this technology to help students. I really like the idea of using a mini version of this course on Superintendent's Day. It would be an item that would benefit all!!

Unknown said...

I'm loving the idea of a mini version of the course in workshops for a Superintendent's Day. Maybe if lots of you suggested this to Connie Duff, Barb Surash, and Mark Bower, it might be possible to actually do this.

Julie said...

Kathy you had some great ideas in your post. I love the idea of mini-versions. Maybe we could help Lori by identifying what really "grabbed" us about each topic area.
I also love the way you are incorporating your new skills with the students. I am always amazed at how you take broad ideas and find a concrete real life ways to make them fit in your teaching.