
Reflections 2

It still amazes me that there is so much technology available for teachers to use. I keep thinking that the way we are teaching school is somewhat antiquated; I have only seen some of the things I have learned about in one classroom that I support. I think it is difficult for teachers to change the way they operate. I look forward to more teachers taking this class and implementing what they have learned. Just think of the paper we could save!

In Resource, I am busy helping to complete the traditional paper and pencil assignments. As an assistant, I am particularly enjoying using my del.icio.us account. I can now have many more sites on hand, catagorized. It was also interesting to view other sites of interest, and take them for my own. I like to keep photos of the Adirondacks close for mini visual vacations. It is a stress reliever.


Wikis in Education

Wikis are a very new idea that the students would love, because they enjoy using computers. I think it would be very useful for group projects- they all can collaborate; their homework is even time stamped. Team work is always good for them to learn, as that is how the real world works. There is password protection, so they the students are safe while they learn how to post on the site. Wikis are a modern, valuable classroom tool.