
Video Resource Review

I reviewed the sites- Next Vista, Teacher Tube, You Tube and Clip Blast.
Personally, I would only use Next Vista. Next Vista is the only one that is vetted- videos are reviewed before being posted on the site. They have four rules that they follow to ensure the videos contain accurate information and have nothing objectionable for children. It is definately more educationally orientated than the others. Next Vista is a non-profit site which has sections of "lightbulb" ideas, global views for people around the world to show their cultures, and seeing service which teaches the value of service to our fellow man. I think this really is healthy for the world that is so self absorbed. I think the site is easy to use and would be a benefit to me with Global students. I watched a video about Shintoism and Buddhism in Japan.

You Tube and Clip Blast, to me, seemed more like an entertainment venue, than an educational one, almost like the tabloids. Their videos are not reviewed by anyone before being posted, so objectionable content exists. Clip Blast addressed "adventure", "sports", "auto racing", "arts". I did like that You Tube had a section to compare the Presidential candidates. You could "search" for any educational content. They both have ads. Both sites were easy to use, but I really didn't find anything that I could use.

Teacher Tube does have educational content on it, for which you have to search. Their videos are not preapproved, so objectionable content could be lurking.There is a great variety- including NCAA stats, quotes, challenges and technology; it seemed to me more of a personal forum. It also has ads on it. The site is easy to use, must search for your educational content. I saw some interesting science ideas.


Kathy N said...

I have never visited you tube or any of the sites that you mentioned. I really want to know about some of these, so I am going to visit every one.Then we can understand more fully what our kids and other teachers are talking about!

Anonymous said...

I agree that Next Vista seemed to be student safe because of the steps they take before posting a video to the site. But I would still preview these videos to see if they would go with my lessons.
You Tube and Clipblast I think we can still be used for educational purposes. We can put in the topic that we'd like a video on. Then preview the videos. We could find one that would be useful in the classroom. Then download it and show it from our computer. We wouldn't have to show it from the website.
We can do the same thing with Teacher Tube.