
Final Reflection of Fall '08 Technology Class

I have never taken an online class before, and was really thrilled to be able to accomplish it and learn so much from Lori's class. The tutorials were especially useful. It was like Lori sitting right there talking to me. I learned about things that I didn't even know existed. It has made me feel more confident in the classrooms that I go into. Starry Night was a program that was used in an Earth Science class that I go into. I got on and was able to keep a step ahead of the kids, so I could help the ones that couldn't find things.

Being able to do the class on my own time, at my own speed was great. Some times of the year are busier, so I was able to push ahead when I knew I had the time. I would definitely recommend this class; I feel it has brought me more into the School 2.0 frame of mind. The times and technology are constantly changing and we should be open to change. Yes, I would be willing to consider taking another class. I really don't know what to propose, since I don't know about what else is out there, but it would be interesting to find out!

Thank you Lori for all the time you put into this class, your availability, answering my e mails and for the tutorials you made. They were especially helpful, as I could see and hear and follow along with you. It was clear to me how important it is to actively participate in a class; it has encouraged me to get the kids going and participate more. In Earth Science, you have to do the experiments yourself, don't let your partner do most of the work. If you participate with heart, you'll learn it. The assistants at the high school became closer as we worked on the class together and asked each other questions. This technology class was a definite benefit to me; it has kept me learning, confident and updated. Thank you for this opportunity. Kathy S.